January 18, 2025

On October 12, 2016 the Embassy of Italy and the Italian Cultural Institute in Washington, in collaboration with the Centro di Conservazione Archeologica (CCA) – Rome, are proud to present the conference “Archaeology in the Mediterranean Region: Economic Challenges for a Better Future” by Roberto Nardi and Andreina Costanzi Cobau. The conference is associated with the exhibition “The Ancient Giants of Mont’e Prama: From Stone Fragments to a New Image for Sardinia” that will be unveiled on the same day and can also be viewed by appointment until October 18,2016.

testa_di_arciereThe exhibit features exclusive photographs of the Giants of Mont’e Prama in Sardinia, gigantic statues portraying archers, boxers, warriors and models of prehistoric nuraghe -ancient megalithic edifices- dating circa 9th-8th century B.C. The photos are by renown photographer Araldo De Luca for the Centro di Conservazione Archeologica of Rome and are presented with the patronage of the Sardinian Regional Government.

Prof. Nardi and Prof. Cobau will present their conservation work on various ancient monuments and archaeological sites of Mediterranean region and they will talk about the challenges they face to preserve history for future generations.

Roberto Nardi is the founder of the Centro di Conservazione Archeologica (CCA), a company specialized in the field of conservation of ancient monuments and archaeological sites. He has directed over 50 projects and training courses in 14 countries, including in the town of Zeugma in Turkey, on the wall paintings of the Amiriya Madrasa –an ancient educational institution- in Yemen, on the mosaic of the Transfiguration in the Monastery of Saint Catherine in Sinai and on the prehistoric sculptures of Mont’e Prama.

Andreina Costanzi Cobau, a graduate of the Istituto Centrale del Restauro of Rome joined the Centro di Conservazione Archeologica in 1982 and is now a partner and responsible for mural painting conservation and all documentation. Prof. Cobau was responsible for the conservation of the Nuragic sculptures of Mont’e Prama and published a volume dedicated to the restoration of the collection.