January 24, 2025

Washington D.C. –  In advance of the 2020 Democratic National  convention, Italian Americans for Biden/Harris and the Italian American Democratic Leadership Council will hold a virtual “Zoom Festa” honoring Dr. Jill Giacoppa Biden as well as the more than 170 Italian American Democratic convention delegates, from 4-5 p.m. EDT, Sunday August 16, 2020.

The celebration of Italian American heritage and democratic traditions is slated to include appearances by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. Other features include a live presentation from Bravo Channel Top Chef Tom Colicchio and messages from Grammy Award winning artist Cyndi Lauper and actress Alyssa Milano.
In honor of the historic 2020 Biden-Harris ticket, the Zoom Festa will also include a special remembrance of the late Rep. Geraldine Ferraro, who in 1984 became the first woman to be included in a major party presidential slate.

WHO: Italian Americans from across the U. S. and currently residing in Italy.
WHAT: Italian American Democratic Leadership Council “Zoom Festa.”
WHEN: 4-5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, Sunday, August 16, 2020.
WHERE: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkce6hqjkvEt1merE1vNra6rkfbPpyExZC



Since 1993, the IADLC has been the voice of Italian Americans in the Democratic Party. Italian Americans for Biden-Harris is a national organization working with the IADLC to mobilize Italian-American voters both in the United States and Italy. Click here for our website.

Art Gajarsa, Chair, IADLC
Jim Rosapepe, Italian Americans for Biden/Harris
Chuck Porcari
Italiano Madrelingua
Stefano Porcari