Mario Mastrangelo, Francesco Isgro
The Lido Civic Club was honored to present a Public Service Award on July 17 to Mario Mastrangelo, a Montgomery County Police Detective, for his unselfish act of heroism in saving the life of a Montgomery County, Md. woman. On April 24, on his way to taking his children to “take your kids to work day,” Detective Mastrangelo saw smoke billowing from a house in

Germantown. He rushed into the burning structure, found a woman inside and brought her to safety. Then he ran back into the burning house to try to save her husband, but was forced to turn back by intense flames and smoke.
Detective Mastrangelo is the son of Italian immigrants who ran a successful catering business in Washington — even catering Lido Club events at Casa Italiana.
In presenting the award, Lido Club President Francesco Isgro said that, “When it comes to honoring the officers, firefighters and others who help make our community safe, who protect our children, and who unselfishly risk their lives to save others — we just don’t do enough. We are honored to present you with this award.”
The ceremony was held at the residence of Paul Biciocchi, Chairman of the Lido Civic Club Entertainment Committee and principal broker of Forum Properties Inc. The event was catered by Lido Club member Francesco Marra of Oro Pomodoro.