September 8, 2024
Alfred Grasso

Alfred Grasso

Alfred Grasso, president and chief executive officer of Mitre Corp., will be honored as the Man of the Year by the Lido Civic Club at its annual Past President’s Night, to be held at the Capitol Hilton on January 12, 2013.

Alfred Grasso
Alfred Grasso

Grasso is a first generation Italian American whose parents are originally from Ariano Irpino and Viesta, Italy. In his highly successful business career, Grasso has demonstrated a deep commitment to advancing educational opportunities for young people, particularly in the fields of science and technology.

The Mitre Corp. is a not-for-profit company that operates federally funded research and development centers. Grasso, who is a member of the Mitre Board of Trustees, is an appointed member of the Defense Science Board.

The Lido Civic Club, founded in 1929, is an Italian-American civic organization serving the Washington metropolitan community through its civic and charitable programs, including providing scholarships, and supporting the homeless and victims of natural disasters. The Lido Club also supports the Aleethia Foundation in assisting wounded warriors in their rehabilitation upon returning home.

Lido Club past honorees have included: the late Jack Valenti, president of the Motion Picture Industry, Congresswoman Constance “Connie” Morella, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, General Peter Pace, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Giuseppe Cecchi, president of IDI Development and developer of the Watergate Complex.


For additional information visit the Lido Civic Club website.


(Photo credit:  Mia Finelli)