February 10, 2025

Gen. Pace being awarded Medal of Freedom by Pres. George Bush

Gen. Pace being awarded Medal of Freedom by Pres. George Bush

On Wednesday, May 23, 2012, the Sons of Italy Foundation’s 24th Annual National Education & Leadership Awards (NELA) Gala returns to the National Building Museum to honor: Sec. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Gen. Peter Pace, Claudio Bozzo, and Armand Sabitoni.

The NELA Gala is the SIF’s most important fund-raising and public affairs event, highlighting the foundation’s commitment to educational excellence, leadership and the betterment of society. To date, the NELA Gala has helped the SIF raise $119 million for education, medical research, disaster relief, cultural preservation, and other special projects, with $50 million in scholarships awarded.
